IIS 7.5 Architecture and Components
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The video series aims to explain the major components and services of the IIS 7.5 / Windows 2008 R2 web-server from Microsoft. The series is divided in three videos:

Part 1 - Global server architecture:

Looks at all the major components of the IIS web-server and how the relate to one another. Discusses their role and gives a few details on how these components are implemented to provide a global view of the server architecture.

Components like http.sys, the IIS Amin Service, WAS, W3SVC and application pools are addressed in this part of the series.

Part 2 - Worker process  architecture:

Looks at the internals of the IIS worker process - the w3wp.exe. This part of the series aims to explain how requests are executed and what the difference between the two main execution modes exposed by IIS (integrated and classic pipeline) is.

Modules and Handlers, ISAPI filters and extensions are the main topics of discussion in this second video.

Part 3 - Request flow:

The final part of this video series looks at how request flow is handled by IIS, starting off on the client and going through all of the phases of server treatment, including .Net Runtime dynamic assembly compilation.

The focus point in this final part is the compilation and execution of ASP.net applications inside the IIS web-server.

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Created by:    Paul Cociuba
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