Paul Cociuba    

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About Me:, IIS, web-applications, .Net Framework, C# are terms that I have to use daily

I am an engineer with Microsoft working on the team, and doing a lot of .Net debugging, reverse engineering and web-application performance tuning. I am part of a team that handles mission critical issues on web-applications running on the IIS web server and Windows Server for Microsoft customers in EMEA. As such I have quite a vast knowhow on the intricacies of the IIS web server, and the platform as a solution to build scalable and performing web application platforms.

In my free time I also develop, both for Microsoft and myself, as a way of keeping myself sharp (as in C#) with all the advances of the technology stack I regularly work with. I also do architecture work both in terms of software design and platforms to host the web-apps I am working on. My belief is that great web-applications should have a sturdy and well-though out design, which unfortunately is not always the case in real life.

In a previous life, before joining Microsoft some almost 9 years ago, I used to be a developer / product manager for another software company – Hummingbird, where I did a whole lot of work in and around product localization and localization techniques in general. During my work with Hummingbird I became familiar with the IIS / / MS SQL stack for building web-apps and I have stuck to it ever since.

So what can you expect from my links and posts? Mostly stuff related to web-applications, but also some tidbits on how memory inside Windows works, how to debug processes and namely how to debug .Net web-applications. Other that computers, I am also an aircraft enthusiast, and spend a great deal of time observing modern airlines. So sometimes, expect links and post on planes and airlines as well.

Interested in:

.net; airbus; aircraft;; boeing; cloud; iis; localization; performance; spacex; web; web-applications;

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