What are the terms & conditions for group of 10-25 seats on Smartwings?
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Smartwings offers group flight services for amass travelers, and the conditions are based on the number of passengers included in it. So, when a group consists of travelers between 10 to 25 flyers then, they get to follow a certain set of rules that are basically designed for them. In these conditions, one has to pay 10% of the cancelation fees for a flight that is taking off 21 days prior to the take-off, 10% of a nonrefundable deposit by 4 days of confirmation, and the submission of the name has to be submitted at least 3 working days prior to the departure. More than that, a name can be added or changed before the check-in, and those could be subjected to the issued group contracts. In order to verify more components of a group of 10–25 passengers, you can visit this link.
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