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Forgetfulness is the friend of memory

An important addition to the cluster approach is the principle of interval - returning to the already covered material after a short, but quite tangible period of time. For example, if you deal with a certain topic for an hour today, and then another hour in a week, then as a result, much more information will remain in your memory and it will be remembered more strongly than if you devote two hours in a row to this topic and never return to it again. If you go back to past reflections on the subject of the essay. This is just very good and will help you to put your thoughts together. A very good resource for collecting all thoughts into one clear and distinct one.

Despite the fact that this effect has already manifested itself in dozens of different experiments, no one can yet explain it clearly. The working hypothesis is based on the assumption that when the brain re-encounters information that it “knew but forgot”, the process of assimilating it takes place on an already prepared ground, consisting of pieces of information that are hooked into the brain for the first time. These pieces are reinforced even more, plus the knowledge missed the first time is added to them. It turns out that our forgetfulness helps us remember better. In order not to forget, you need to write thoughts on paper. But even if you forgot, then  will help in writing, which does its job well. You will easily remember when you write a lot.

It is worth noting that the principle of interval contradicts the popular technique of intense and deep immersion in the subject under study. This technique can be successful - but usually very short-lived. For example, if tomorrow you need to pass an exam in an unfamiliar subject, you like it or not, but today you need to immerse yourself in its study with your head. The trouble is that in a week or two, little will remain of what you have learned. But if we want what we have learned to stay with us and help us in our life and work, then it is better to chase not the depth of immersion, but their repeatability. You can go back to a specific topic of the essay. This will help you not only to remember what the thoughts were about, but also to add something unique with the help of  A good resource for help with this.

By the way, another hypothesis explaining the effectiveness of the principle of interval is built on the metaphor of packing things in a suitcase. Intensive immersion in this sense is like hurriedly stuffing everything that comes to hand at one time, and the principle of interval is like an iterative process in which some things are put, then taken out, put in a different way and new ones are added to them. As a result, the suitcase is packed more systematically, and it simply fits more.

Best Teacher - Exam

Few people like tests, exams and tests (I would write "no one likes", but I know that there are very atypical people). Nevertheless, this intellectual torture is extremely useful for the learning process. And not so much because of its direct goal - to find out the level of knowledge, but because the process of such clarification in itself helps to better remember the material being handed over.

The benefit of the exam in this sense even exceeds that of a repeated session (remember the principle of interval?), Especially if you compare the results later than a week later. And the regularity here is such that the more difficult the exam seemed to us, the greater the sense received from it. So if we want to master something in the best possible way, and at the same time we are not tormented by unnecessary tests at school (institute), it makes sense to arrange home (self) exams.

The reason for the exam effect is due to the fact that when we answer questions or solve problems, the brain not only pulls the information we need out of the cell, but also simultaneously changes the way that information is stored, making it more convenient to access it next time.

As you can see, the techniques of successful learning described above - an alternative environment for classes, a mixed context, a cluster approach, the principle of interval and regular (self) examination - differ from traditional approaches to organizing learning in that they are scientifically grounded and experimentally verified. They were not formulated yesterday, but, alas, so far they are poorly introduced into the daily practice of families and schools, even in the States, where they have been written and talked about for a long time. What can you do, people find it difficult to part with their usual prejudices, even if hundreds of scientists claim that they are wrong ...

Additional resources:

9 tips for new students

8 ridiculous traditions of students from different countries

5 rules to pass exams without cheating

what you need to know about face recognition technology

why students should prefer a pen to a laptop

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