How do I get a human at Microsoft?
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Microsoft provides different kinds of services like Microsoft Teams, word, excel, PowerPoint, and many more; if you are facing any problem, then you can get a human at Microsoft and speak to them regarding the problems you are undergoing with the services, you can reach the representative through various types of modes which include an online and offline process that are mentioned below:- 

Connect to Microsoft through a phone call.

You can contact the live person at Microsoft by calling their customer service number 1 (800) 642-7676 to discuss your server platform issues. To know the further steps follow the essential bullet points that are mentioned down:- 

  • Diel the Microsoft helpline number.
  • Choose the language of your comfort.
  • Select the query-related option from the IVR.
  • The Agent from Microsoft will connect to you.
  • Confess all your issues and get a consultation.
  • The representative will provide you with a solution to your query.

Contact Microsoft via live chat.

If you are facing an issue while connecting with a live person from Microsoft through a phone call, you can chat with the human with the help of the live chat option available on the website, to continue with this method, obey the steps that are given beneath:- 

  • Go to the official website of Microsoft.
  • Go to the “help and support” page.
  • Scroll down and select the “live chat” option.
  • Mention the issue which you are encountering.
  • Then the executive will guide you.

Get a person through social media.

The most effortless process to connect and communicate with the person at Microsoft is through social media; if you wonder, How do I get a human at Microsoft? Through this process, you can click on the following social media platforms links and speak to the representative by sending a message on their social media handle.

  • Facebook: 
  • Instagram:
  • Twitter :
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Created by:    John Watson
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