When a baby is born, the body already contains all of the neurons of that type that it's ever going to have. There are roughly 100 billion of these neurons. Nevertheless, the vast majority of these millions of neurons don't start communicating with one another until well after birth. Although most Children brain development occurs after birth, there are also prenatal changes.
During gestation, a child's brain forms primarily. The first 36 weeks of pregnancy are crucial for the development of your child. There are a number of lifelong skills that the infant develops at this time that are essential for the baby's future success. Baby's sense of smell and hearing begin to take form, and the brain begins to mature. At this point, your kid will start to develop taste buds and, when they've matured a bit, will be able to taste the foods you eat on a regular basis. Children's brains develop gradually over time, beginning with the maturation of the foetal brain. The baby's brain is developing at this point, and that involves things like the baby's sexual development, children behaviour development, and other crucial bodily demands. Nevertheless, even at this early point of brain growth, your infant can begin to acquire memories, as strange as it may sound.

Even when still in the womb, your child is absorbing information. As your baby awakens his or her eyelids and takes in the bright world for the first time, the brain growth that took place throughout pregnancy will have prepared him or her for the experience. Children's brain growth is a slow but constant process. It's not odd if your youngster seems to be taking longer than usual to master a new subject. It's possible that your infant is just learning at a more leisurely pace. The brain and how it works plays a crucial role.
The mind matures through time by choosing Growth Mindset Education. A baby's ability to respond to your voice will begin to develop around the third month. The unborn child was able to pick up on your voice and other environmental sounds. The fetus's familiarity with your voice began at the time its hearing abilities were developing. All those familiar sounds will become associated in your baby's mind, and soon enough, your infant will be able to remember everything.

Children's brain growth with Growth Mindset is not something that happens quickly. Individual growth and maturation begin at birth and continue until death. Children have higher brain plasticity than adults. Because of this, kids are better at memorization than grownups. The kids are able to pick up more information from their surroundings as a result.
The child's brain will develop slowly, but this is the foundational stage for later, more rapid growth in the child's brain. At this period of gestation, the brain undergoes further stages of development and Mindset to Play and Learn Math, including those related to hearing and sexual maturation. You might find it hard to believe, but your kid is actually capable of memory formation at this age.