Why All-On-4 Dental Implant Is The Solution For You
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All-on-4 dental implants (AODI) are a revolutionary solution for tooth replacement that provides the benefits of all-on-dental braces and complete dentures. AODI are designed to replace one or more teeth in a single surgical procedure. This decreased surgery time and simplified treatment result in fewer complications, faster healing, and reduced patient pain and anxiety. There are many benefits to AODI over other types of tooth replacement procedures. Here are just a few:


  1. Reduced surgery time – AODI surgeries take about half the time as complete denture or implant surgeries. It means that patients can return to their regular activities sooner.
  2. Simplified treatment – AODI rely on using stainless steel anchors and screws that securely attach the implant to the underlying jawbone. This makes AODI the most reliable type of tooth replacement available today.
  3. Reduced pain and anxiety – Patients undergoing AODI surgery experience significantly less pain and anxiety than those undergoing complete dentures or implant procedures. This is because AODI implants sit directly on top of your teeth, eliminating the need for metal wires or brackets that can cause discomfort.
  4. Faster healing – Patients who have undergone AODI surgery report faster healing than those who have undergone complete dentures or implant procedures. This is due to the precision of the surgical procedure and the use of stainless-steel anchors and screws that do not require dental bonding materials.

All-on-Dental Implant is the latest dental implant technology that has revolutionised the way dental implants are placed. The All-on-Dental Implant system provides a more reliable and secure placement of your dental implant, which results in a more stable and durable tooth.


The All-on-Dental Implant is also different from other dental implant systems because it uses four titanium screws to hold the implant into the jawbone. This method provides a stronger and more durable connection between the implant and the jawbone than traditional single screw dental implants.


The All-on-Dental Implant system is perfect for people who have difficulty wearing dentures or have lost teeth due to disease or injury. It’s also ideal for people willing to replace teeth damaged or destroyed by cancer.


If you’re interested in learning more about the All-on-4 Dental Implant system, please contact Next Smile today. We’d be happy to provide you with a free consultation and answer any questions you may have.

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