Restructuring the Health-Care System
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All citizens of our country deserve the security of universal health care that guarantees access based on needs rather than income.

It is a fundamental human right and an important measure of social justice. The government should play the central role of regulating, financing, and providing health care. Everyone faces the possibility of poor health.


The risk should be shared broadly to ensure fair treatment and equitable rates, and everyone should share responsibility for contributing to the system through progressive financing.

The cost of Health care pricing is rising. Over the past years its expenditure have risen faster than the cost increases reported in other sectors of the economy. As a matter of fact, the free market doesn't work for the health care system.

There are two ways of financing health care:

The first is a private method of financing, by means of using workers' and corporations' money as premiums for acquisition of private insurance, which provides medical care. The established order leaves far behind 47 million people without health insurance.

Medical insurance companies use as the basis of their operations an unfair practice. They select for medical insurance only relatively young, healthy, working people, which rarely are sick. They constantly increase the premium rates, excluding retirees who need substantially more care. Thus, the health insurance companies established for themselves hothouse conditions. They make billions of dollars in profits, which in essence is a simple misappropriation of unused means of healthy people, that don't need medical services. Justifiably these means should be set aside in a special fund and used for care when these workers retire.

The health care system needs a fundamental change and improvement. It consists precisely that is necessary to decide a ripe task about improvement of medical care,



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