Skills communication
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Skills in communication include the ability to interpret and articulate ideas clearly and to listen effectively. Communication is the process of transmitting meanings from one person or group to the other via the use of symbolic, verbal, and non-verbal signals, symbols, and specific, culturally-known rules. There are four basic areas of communication: visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and olfactory. Each area has particular purposes for helping people to communicate. People also communicate through writing, spoken language, touch, and taste. Communication is a complex process that begin with the intent to understand and then to convey a message to another person and then ends with the satisfaction of the communication.

The first step to successful communication is to understand the target. Most people lack the skills they need for effective communication because they are not clear about what they want or need. The next step is to identify the message that you wish to convey and how you intend to deliver it. Most people are not clear about what they want. They have goals and desires that are often in conflict with each other, resulting in ineffective communication.

Effective communication requires that the sender of the message to be clear about what the receiver will hear and understand. Good communication skills are a way of being attentive to what people need and sending the message with total clarity. When you are trying to communicate, pay attention to what they say, the tone of voice, body language, and intonation. All of these aspects can make or break effective communication. If you send messages with anger, confusion, or uncertainty, you are unlikely to receive much feedback or respect.

People have a tendency to interpret words that they hear as meaning something else entirely. So when you speak, don't assume that everyone will take your message literally, even if they may very well understand what you are saying. Conversational communication requires a keen sense of observation in order to interpret the nonverbal clues that people give you.

Communication is one of the most fundamental and yet often ignored skills in business and in life itself. Without communication, we would all be lost. The value of communicating, however, is often overlooked by people because they assume that it is an overly troublesome or boring aspect of business. In fact, effective communication is one of the most important aspects of running a successful organization, and it is vitally important for people to develop their skills in this area.

Effective communication skills are also important in personal relationships. When you communicate with a friend, family member, or a co-worker, you share a bond that cannot be learned or faked. Effective communication is a way of putting yourself into the shoes of the other person and of understanding how he or she might be feeling at a particular time. The messages that you convey and the manner in which you communicate them are as important as the message itself.

Effective communication does not simply mean reading from a piece of paper or sending a message through the mail. Good communication skills encompass the entire process of getting your messages across to others. For example, if you are writing a letter to your wife, you will not be thinking of how you should format the letter but instead how you can make the most convincing argument against staying with your wife. You will be thinking about what your future children would want to hear from you, what you would have to say to your boss if you were going to leave the job, and what you would have to say to your spouse if you ever found a woman attractive. All of these things are considerations that go into crafting the best possible communication.

To some extent, effective communication also involves knowing how to constructively respond to any communication you receive. People often make the mistake of replying to a communication in the same way as it was sent. This not only discourages you from being taken seriously by other people, it also makes you appear as though you do not care about other people's feelings and concerns. Taking the time to carefully and professionally constructively respond to messages shows that you value the feelings of others and that you want to ensure that they receive what they send to you in the most meaningful way possible.



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Created by:    Henry Charleston
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