Is Eating With Dental Implants Comfortable?
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Are dental implants comfortable? This is one of the most asked questions by people seeking dental implants services. There is a very good reason to be concerned about the comfort of the dental implants.

Can You Eat With Dental Implants?

The simple answer to this question is yes. It is very possible and safe to eat with your dental implants. So far, dental implants are one of the best and most effective teeth replacements. For those who have had dental implants, eating with them is just like eating naturally.



Is Bitting with Dental Implants Comfortable?

Another worry people have is whether they will be able to bite using their dental implants. This is also possible, though there are different types of foods that may require cutting to break down.

Some of these foods we bite include pizza, burgers, sandwiches etc. It is safe to bite any type of food with dental implants, as they work the same way as natural teeth without any problems.

Chewing With Your Dental Implants

Though some foods are hard to break down, your dental implants can be used to chew most foods.

Dental implants aim at providing the same natural chewing motion as with natural teeth. Therefore, it is easy to chew through with the up and down motions, circular motions as well as side to side motions. This is advantageous compared to dentures which tend to dislodge and are harder to chew food with.

Does Food Get Caught Under The Implants?

Another concern that most people have is whether food particles get caught underneath dental implants. It is uncommon to get some food stuck under the implants such as All-on-4 dental implants. However, the solution to this is simple. You just need to wash your dental implants after every meal. This keeps your mouth clean, and prevents bad breath and irritation.

It is very comfortable to eat using dental implants, with the added benefit of you being able to enjoy the taste of food, unlike with dentures which cover sensory and tasting parts.

Are you looking for quality dental services? Do you want to get dental implants such as All-on-4 with dental implants? Contact Next Smile™ for more details or book an appointment today. 

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