Types of postgraduate courses and their advantages
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Continuing the training after university provides more professional value to the student, as it allows them to update and strengthen their skills or write for me an essay. In addition, it contributes to greater competitiveness in the work environment, since the most prepared and specialized candidate has more possibilities of being chosen in the selection for a certain job.

The main objective of postgraduate training is to broaden knowledge, improve specific skills and specialize in various disciplines related or not to the university career that the student has previously studied. 

Advantages of postgraduate studies

Today, there is a greater relationship between training and the world of work. Argentina is aware of this, as studying a postgraduate course ensures quality employment. According to the last report "Education at a glance" published by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), the gap to obtain a profitable job, between those who have a postgraduate degree and those who do not have this type of study, is 10%. 

Graduate studies can make a difference and better position the student for new employment. This is confirmed by the latest Adecco report, carried out in Spain in 2018. 

It states that 3.4% of job offers aimed at university graduates include among their minimum requirements that candidates have higher education after the degree or bachelor's degree, and more than 35% of these offers consider the postgraduate as a differential value.

This preference is even more relevant in the legal, energy, banking and investment, industrial and health fields. Along the same lines, the report concludes that a postgraduate study facilitates access to the first job and increases the possibilities of moving up the professional category when there is already experience.

Postgraduate studies are closely related to improving the employment situation, as this type of training creates more qualified professionals and helps to develop useful skills for companies, as well as encouraging personal growth. Among the skills that postgraduate training allows for are the following:

Learning how to deal with the different areas of a company and acquire a global and strategic vision within the organization that allows for the resolution of any problems that may arise.
Strengthen leadership skills and facilitate networking, which will allow the establishment of a network of contacts with people whose personal and professional profile is interesting for their skills and talent.
Modalities: face-to-face, online or semi-presential

There are several modalities (face-to-face, online or semi-presential) that facilitate access to training:

Face-to-face. This is the traditional modality, based on class attendance. Generally, it is compulsory to attend at least 75% of the classes in order to be assessed and to obtain the degree, although this requirement varies according to the regulations of the institution, the discipline or the requirements established in each subject.  
Online. More and more universities and business schools are offering online master's degrees or graduate courses that can be followed from anywhere in the world with Internet access. By means of a platform, it is possible to access the course contents and different digital resources, solve doubts with the professors via e-mail and participate in activities telematically. This option makes it easier to combine professional and personal life with academic life.

Semi-attendance. This is a combination of classroom and online training. It allows interaction with the teacher and the other students in a more direct way in the face-to-face classes and offers a greater time flexibility in the online classes, since each student can study in the place and at the time he/she wishes.

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