Affter: Empowering Affiliates with the RevShare Model
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Affter is a prominent affiliate marketing company that has made a name for itself by connecting affiliates with top brands across various industries. At Affter, they specialize in providing affiliates with advanced tools and resources to thrive in the competitive digital marketing landscape. If you're looking to maximize your earnings through affiliate marketing and explore what is revshare model, Affter offers a comprehensive platform to help you achieve your goals.

Vision and Mission

Affter's vision is to create a transparent and efficient platform that empowers affiliates and promotes growth for brands. Their mission revolves around integrity, transparency, and performance, ensuring affiliates have the necessary support and tools to succeed in affiliate marketing.

What is the RevShare Model?

The RevShare model, short for Revenue Sharing, is a popular affiliate marketing payment structure where affiliates earn a percentage of the revenue generated from the traffic they send to a merchant's website. This model is widely used in industries like online gaming, e-commerce, and subscription-based services. Here’s how it works:

  • Percentage of Revenue: Affiliates earn a percentage of the revenue generated from the customers they refer. This percentage can vary widely depending on the agreement between the affiliate and the merchant.
  • Long-term Earnings: Unlike one-time commissions in the CPA (Cost Per Action) model, affiliates can earn passive income over the customer's lifetime value (LTV). As long as the referred customer continues to make purchases or subscriptions, the affiliate continues to earn.
  • Risk and Reward: The RevShare model can be seen as a partnership between the affiliate and the merchant. Affiliates share the risk of lower initial conversion rates but have the potential for higher earnings over time if the referred customers become long-term customers.

Advantages of the RevShare Model

  1. Long-term Passive Income: Affiliates can build a steady stream of income as long as their referred customers continue to make purchases or subscriptions.
  2. Alignment of Interests: The RevShare model aligns the interests of affiliates and merchants. Affiliates are motivated to send high-quality traffic that converts well and retains customers over time.
  3. Scalability: Affiliates have the potential to scale their earnings as they refer more customers and as the merchant's business grows.

Affter's Support and Tools

Affter provides affiliates with the necessary tools and support to maximize their success with the RevShare model and other affiliate marketing strategies. Their advanced affiliate management system offers real-time tracking, detailed analytics, and seamless integration with various marketing platforms. Affiliates can monitor their performance, optimize their strategies, and make data-driven decisions to enhance their marketing efforts and drive quality traffic.


Affter has solidified its position as a leader in the affiliate marketing industry by offering affiliates comprehensive support and access to effective payment models like the RevShare model. Whether you're new to affiliate marketing or looking to expand your revenue streams, Affter provides the tools and resources to help you succeed. Visit Affter to explore their innovative solutions and start maximizing your earnings with the RevShare model and other affiliate marketing strategies.

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