BIM technologies have a number of undeniable advantages. Companies that widely use information modeling in their activities always look more profitable in the eyes of Customers. Due to the high level of automation, fewer errors and collisions in the project, and a huge number of new features (for example, modeling the energy consumption of a future object), designers can achieve much more impressive results than using standard CAD tools. Information modeling also accelerates the construction and design processes, reducing the cost of building an object due to high-quality project development. However, implementing BIM is a long, complex and expensive process. Employees of project organizations are sensitive to the transition to new technologies, the organization itself is experiencing difficulties – the structure is changing, new specialties are appearing, huge funds are spent on SOFTWARE purchases, and the productivity of specialists is extremely low at first.

Take advantage of our services
Professional consulting support from our experts will help smooth the transition to building information modeling. We will help you identify and implement priority tasks, train your staff, and develop the necessary standards, regulations, and instructions.
First of all, why switch to BIM? The new technology has undeniable advantages. You can Express the benefits of information modeling in numbers as follows:
- 30% reduction in construction and operating costs
- up to 40% reduction of errors and errors in project documentation
- up to 50% reduction in project implementation time
- 20% reduction in technologists ' working hours
- 10% reduction in architects ' working hours
- 6x reduction in the time required to check the model
- 4-fold reduction in planning error of the construction budget
- up to 90% reduction in coordination and coordination time
- 10% reduction in construction time
- an average of 20-50% reduction in design time
BIM implementation through the involvement of a third-party company usually follows a relatively standard scenario, which has different variables depending on the specifics of Your enterprise.
The first stage is when You make a decision about the need to implement BIM in your business. Intentions are agreed with business owners and investors, tasks are set, and the timing and results of implementing information modeling in the organization are determined. Attracting experts at this stage will help you create clear goals, prove and show the need for technology implementation. We have extensive experience in these issues and can confirm it with live examples of partner companies successfully working in BIM.
After signing the contract and agreeing on the terms of joint work, we will carry out a number of subsequent works on the implementation of BIM for Your business:
- First of all, it is a survey and analysis of existing business processes in the company. A deep understanding of the specifics of Your organization's activities will help you apply new technologies to your work without losing the best practices and well-established operating processes. Designing is a specialist-driven business. The speed and efficiency of future modeling will depend on them. Together with the human resources Manager, our experts will help each specialist in Your organization to adopt and cope with new technologies personally, creating personal development maps and motivation sheets.
- Further training will be conducted in accordance with the existing set of computer-aided design systems in order to improve the process of forming design estimates.
- Development of the organization's standards for the production of design and estimate documentation in an improved format for the CAD tools used.
- Justification for choosing BIM software that meets the organization's internal standards. Purchase, install, and configure BIM tools to get started in your organization.
- Create a working group of specialists from all disciplines involved in the BIM implementation process. Selection of a "pilot project" for testing the production technology of project documentation.
- Training of the created working group in new information modeling tools (3D CAD).
- Development of a "pilot project" through information modeling. Determining the required design result and achieving it.
- Analysis of achieved results and business processes. Formation of proposals for improving the processes of interaction between specialists, working with software tools, and reorganizing role functions in information modeling.
- Creating an enterprise BIM standard. Its refinement and optimization, taking into account the specifics of specific business processes.
- Creation of regulations for the release of design and estimate documentation, taking into account BIM-design for each individual discipline.
- Development of technologies for collaboration and interaction within disciplines.
- Formalization of the technology of interdisciplinary interaction.
- Monitoring the application of technology in practice during project re-development using BIM.
The results of such BIM implementation for a project organization can also be demonstrated in the form of a list:
- The process of traditional 2D CAD design is standardized and described.
- The technology of interdisciplinary interaction in the framework of CAD design is proposed, agreed and approved.
- All the company's specialists were trained and improved their level of CAD-design skills.
- The technology of production of project works in BIM for each separate discipline is formed.
- A pilot design model was obtained, fully prepared in the information modeling environment.
- The technology of interdisciplinary interaction within the framework of a construction BIM project has been developed.
So, at the end of implementation, you have:
- A trained team of specialists who are ready to share their knowledge and experience with colleagues.
- Recommendations for changing the role functions of personnel and organizing the design process using BIM.
- Specialists found and trained for positions implemented in the BIM implementation process.
- Honed production technology, expressed in the BIM standard, regulations and instructions.
- Ability to develop and scale your business.
- Consulting support from our experts.
Of course, for each organization, the implementation of BIM occurs individually and according to different scenarios of bim consultant depending on certain business conditions. In the process of forming agreements with our company, you can choose partial implementation, training in specific works, or (if the transition to information modeling was carried out independently) order an audit of BIM processes in order to identify weaknesses, form ways to optimize BIM activities.