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A Complete Guide to Writing Strong Arguments for Your Opinion Essay


Do you know about the Opinion Essay?

Are you familiar with the tactics of writing strong arguments?

If ‘No’, then no issue, within a few seconds it will retrieve in your memory.


A glimpse of an Opinion Essay

It is an official slice of customized writings that depicts the viewpoint of the author on a specific theme backed by evidence and illustrations. The contrary point of view is also recommended; however, it is linked with arguments that reveal its discrepancy.


After a partial understanding of an opinion essay, you can think of important expressions and linkers that essay writer could use while composing this piece of writing. But before stepping into expressions, let’s learn about the basics of an opinion essay that would polish your skills to write this. Don’t think it is rocket science or something that is difficult to tackle. All you need is to focus on crucial aspects of this type of essay. In this way, you can get an expert in composing contrary points to win your argument. 


Basics of an Opinion Essay

What makes an opinion essay unique from other pieces of writing?

Think! Think! Think!

Ok, no more brainstorming

It’s quite easy:


While writing argumentative and persuasive writing, the writer is supposed to present counterpoints as well as demonstrate the topic of an essay from different viewpoints. But, in an opinion essay, the writer is not supposed to emphasize the benefits and shortcomings in comparison, rather just have to state his opinion about the problem. It can be more clearly apprehend through a reliable essay writing service that provides online essay samples to foster your writing skills. So, take advantage of this unique opportunity that is knocking on your door. It's time to become an expert writer and seek assistance from such online writing service providers.


Some useful Clues for composing an Opinion Essay

  • Mention your point of view based on the theme discussed.
  • Create a list of logical reasoning and arguments to back up your opinions and counterarguments.
  • Develop well-structured paragraphs.
  • Make usage of expressions and linkers to connect the sentences as well as paragraphs within the context.
  • Begin each writing paragraph by highlighting a topic sentence.


Guidelines for writing Strong Arguments

This is a time-sapping phase that can’t be skipped. So while critically analyzing things follow these steps to incorporate in an outline;

  • Understand the basic purpose of an author.
  • Grasp the key ideas.
  • Understand the application of appeals.
  • Examine whether the writer has successfully conveyed the core message or not.


Outline of the Opinion Writing Piece

One of the most essential components to draft strong arguments is creating an outline. It is as essential as water is for survival. An outline is composed of 3 core components including intro para, main body para as well as concluding para.


Hence, develop a clear outline to write a catchy intro, thesis statement, remarkable body sections, and lastly an eye-catching ending. It puts your viewpoints to create a good summary that would support writing flawlessly and be aligned with the actual purpose. So, students can organize their views into a coherent structure of an opinion essay. If you are having trouble writing your research paper, get in touch with an essay writer.


An outline helps to narrow down all the key ideas that would be covered in the body section. Create strong arguments and back up them with valid sources. The essay would compose of various ideas so; an outline will support you to pick up the train of thoughts in critical thinking.


Intro Section

Begin the essay intro by providing some background info to give the main idea about the context to the reader so that he could easily comprehend the nature of the topic.



  • Title
  • Biographer
  • Journal info
  • Topic statement to identify the purpose


Create a Thesis Statement

In opinion writing, the thesis statement normally reveals the expression of the writer to the source that has been critically analyzed. The opinion of an essayist is subjective that could be challenged in the prospect. However, the reader could trust you if you will articulate the personal opinion prudently and comprehensively.



Reveal your knowledge of the source to explain the summary of the text for closing your intro.


Main Body Section


Critical Analysis

This is the part where you will demonstrate your analysis of a paper based on the reading as well as critical assessment. Interpret and evaluate the key arguments and highlight the organization of the source.

  • Demonstrate the effectiveness of the message and the source.
  • Justify the opinion of the author whether it is biased or unbiased.
  • Mention how the message appealed to the target audience.


Concluding Section

This essay will also end like a conclusion of a traditional essay by rephrasing the thesis statement and reflecting some absolute thoughts. You need to wrap up your outtakes and reactions by summarizing the key points of the analysis.


Hence, students turn impossible things into possible. Practice as much as you can to enhance your critical writing skills. For more clarity, you can avail of online assistance from write my essay that offers academic writing services to students. These services guide students to take help from expert writers. They possess complete knowledge about the topic to build up a positive impression on the reader.


So, get ready to summon up all influence and delve yourself into composing to evade issues and score an appreciable grade.


Happy Writing :) 



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