Exploring Different Types of Therapeutic Supports: Finding the Right Approach for You

Mila James
3 min readNov 20, 2023
Therapeutic Supports

Living with a disability can be tough, and it can often have a negative impact on one’s mental health. The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides access to a wide range of therapeutic supports for people with disability to help enhance their daily living and promote their overall well-being. With so many different types of therapeutic supports available through NDIS, it can be challenging to figure out which approach is right for you. In this blog post, we’ll explore some of the most common therapeutic supports available through NDIS to help you find the right approach that will best suit your needs.

Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy (OT) is a therapeutic support that focuses on enhancing one’s functional abilities in daily living and promoting independence. OT can help people with disability to develop specific skills such as self-care, social skills, or fine motor skills. An OT can also provide assistive aids and equipment recommendations to improve accessibility and mobility.


Psychology is an excellent support to help individuals manage mental health issues that can arise from living with disability. Psychology can help with depression, anxiety, stress, and other psychological problems. A psychologist can provide individual therapy, group therapy, or even family therapy sessions to help individuals address their concerns.

Behaviour Support

Behaviour support is a type of therapeutic support that helps individuals to change their behaviours to achieve better quality of life. Behaviour supports focuses on identifying triggers for difficult behaviours, developing positive behavioural strategies, and encouraging individuals to develop new skills to manage their behaviour. Behaviour support plans assist individuals to understand the impact of their behaviour and how it relates to their environment.

Music Therapy

Music therapy uses music to connect with individuals on an emotional and psychological level. It allows people to express themselves through music and to communicate with the therapist and other individuals in a non-verbal manner. Music therapy has been found to be effective in managing mental health issues like depression and anxiety.

Speech Therapy

Speech therapy helps individuals with a speech impediment to improve their communication skills. Speech therapy can help people with a variety of communication difficulties, including articulation, stuttering, and language disorders. Speech therapy focuses on improving the individual’s ability to communicate effectively and confidently.

Conclusion: Exploring different types of therapeutic supports can be overwhelming, but the benefits are immense when you find the approach that works best for you. At Aurora Community Care, we’re committed to providing our NDIS participants with access to the therapeutic support that they need. We work closely with our participants to identify their needs and develop plans that align with their goals. If you’re looking for a reliable and compassionate NDIS provider, get in touch with us today. We’d be happy to assist you in finding the right therapeutical support for you.



Mila James

Hello, I'm Mila James, your friendly neighborhood Digital Marketing Specialist. In this fast-paced world, I've found my sweet spot.