Top Tips For Parents For Helping Kids Eat With Invisalign

invisalign in coquitlam
Close-up. The doctor puts transparent aligners on the teeth of the artificial jaw

Eating with Invisalign can be a breeze with a little guidance and support from parents!

As your child undergoes his or her Invisalign treatment, it’s essential to ensure he or she follows a healthy diet and maintains proper oral care.

Here are some practical tips for parents to help their children enjoy a smooth and successful journey with Invisalign in Coquitlam, BC.

1. Emphasize Soft and Easy-to-Eat Foods

Encourage your child to opt for soft and easily chewable foods during his or her treatment of Invisalign, Coquitlam.

Foods like yoghurt, mashed potatoes, soups, and smoothies are gentle on the aligners and won’t cause discomfort.

2. Avoid Sticky and Hard Foods:

Remind your child to steer clear of sticky candies, chewy snacks, and hard treats that can damage or dislodge the aligners. Besides, these types of foods can lead to longer treatment times for Invisalign in Coquitlam and may even require replacement aligners.

3. Take Aligners Out Before Meals:

Before mealtime, ensure your child removes his or her Invisalign aligners to avoid trapping food particles and staining the trays. This practice will also prevent potential damage to the aligners during chewing.

4. Encourage Regular Brushing:

Prompt your child to brush his or her teeth after every meal before reinserting the aligners. This helps maintain good oral hygiene and prevents food debris from being trapped, reducing the risk of cavities.

5. Carry a Travel Oral Care Kit:

When your child is on the go, provide him or her with a travel oral care kit containing a toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. This way, your kid can keep his or her teeth clean no matter where he or she is.

Other things parents can do, include –

  • Prompt kid to remain hydrated with water
  • Celebrate milestones to help kids continue caring for oral health during the treatment

Signing off

Remember, parents play a crucial role in supporting their child’sInvisalign treatment. With proper guidance, encouragement, and practical tips, you can help your child achieve the smile of his or her dreams with Invisalign in Coquitlam.

To know more about Invisalign for Adult in Richmond please visit our website: