Understanding a Dental Emergency

According to the American Dental Association, someone visits the emergency department of a hospital for a dental condition once every 15 seconds. This fact reflects an increasing frequency of dental emergencies across the country. However, it also emphasizes the possibility that some patients may not even realize they are experiencing a dental emergency. In contrast, others ignore their dental emergencies, often leading to more severe dental problems.

This blog discusses the various types of dental emergencies and guides us on when to take action.


Four Critical Dental Emergencies that Require Immediate Attention


An emergency dentist in Bridgeport, TX, highlights four dental conditions that should be treated as emergencies and require prompt action.


Severe Toothache

One common mistake patients make is not considering a severe toothache an emergency, often ignoring the condition for a few days until it becomes unbearable. Sudden and sharp tooth pain can signify various issues, including tooth decay, an infection, loose or broken fillings, or receding gums. While a cold compress can provide temporary relief, visiting your emergency dentist in Bridgeport is essential to address severe complications.


Swollen and Bleeding Gums

Gums, despite being the smallest organ in the body, are fragile and delicate. Many people tend to overlook blood on their toothbrushes or floss. However, it could be occurring due to the buildup of plaque and tartar, which can lead to more severe issues. Swollen and bleeding gums may be an early sign of periodontitis, which typically progresses through four stages. When detected early, it is easily reversible with minimal hassle.


Abscessed Tooth

An abscessed tooth can be one of the most deceptive dental emergencies. When an abscess ruptures, the pain may subside, leading you to believe your dental issue has been resolved. However, you may still require dental treatment. If the abscess doesn't drain, the infection can spread to your jaw and other areas of your head and neck.


Broken Crown

When a dental crown breaks and falls off, your tooth is exposed and susceptible to infection and damage. Immediate attention from a proficient and experienced dental clinic, such as Wise Dental, is required to prevent further complications.


The Bottom Line

Dental emergencies are often brushed off and delayed. However, addressing them promptly offers several benefits, including saving your teeth, eliminating discomfort, preventing dental issues from worsening, and potentially saving costs. At Wise Dental, we have a large team of dentists, including cosmetic, emergency, and orthodontic specialists, who can assist you in your recovery and treatment planning based on your dental history.