DoorVi Smart Security for Cars and Vehicles for Emergency | Wrong Parking
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The DoorVi Video Calls bring convenience and security to your most valuable asset. Your Vehicle. DoorVi QR Code on your vehicle helps people to connect with you in case of wrong parking, accident, or roadside assistance. The user parks their vehicle at any spot which might be a reason or issue for someone. With the help of the DoorVi QR Code, the person can quickly contact you to take necessary action. This communication process allows you to make decisions on time, maintain privacy, and save your vehicle from getting towed or damaged, thus, saving money and time. The Vehicle owner can see and speak with the user from anywhere in the world on a smartphone. Once the DoorVi kit arrives, Download the DoorVi App from Google / Apple App Store to activate your QR code and pair it to your DoorVi Vehicle. Carefully Peel Off The Sticky Layer of the QR Code and Paste the QR Sticker on the Car Window From the Inside. Start From The Center Of The Sticker And Push It Towards The Edges So It Sticks Properly. DoorVi unit is manufactured with a long-lasting, durable, waterproof, and scratch-resistant material.

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