The Top 5 Things to Check During a Vehicle Inspection

3 min readMay 2, 2023

As a responsible vehicle owner, regularly examining your car is essential to ensure it is secure to drive and functions properly. Several things may go wrong with a car over time. Frequent Vehicle Inspections in Surrey, BC can help you identify these early issues, potentially saving you plenty of time, money, and hassles in the long run.

In this article, we’ll learn about the top 5 things to look for while inspecting a vehicle.

1. Brakes

Your vehicle brakes are one of its most essential components. They allow you to slow down or stop your vehicle when necessary.

During an examination, your mechanic will inspect your brake pads, rotors, and brake fluid levels to confirm everything is in good working condition. If your brake pads are old or your braking fluid is low, it might decrease stopping power, which can be quite dangerous.

2. Tires

Tires are the main piece of your vehicle that connects with the street, thus ensuring that they’re functioning properly is significant. In the unlikely event, your tires are worn or harmed, it can lead to poor traction, decreased fuel efficiency, and even blowouts while driving. As part of Vehicle Inspections in Surrey, your technician will check the track depth, tire pressure, and general state of your tires.

3. Fluids

Your vehicle depends on a few distinct fluids to work appropriately, including motor oil, transmission fluids, brake fluids, and coolant.

Throughout an inspection, your mechanic will take a look at the levels and state of these fluids to guarantee that they’re at the right levels and not contaminated. Assuming any of these liquids are low or contaminated, it can prompt horrible performance or even serious motor damage.

4. Suspension and steering

Suspension and steering permit you to control your vehicle’s direction and keep a smooth ride.

While performing Vehicle Inspections in Surrey, your professional will inspect your vehicle’s shocks, struts, steering linkage, and ball joints to ensure they are all in good working order. If any of these elements become worn or broken, it can lead to poor handling and even disasters.

5. Lights

Lights are virtual for both your safety and the security of additional drivers out on the road. While conducting the examination, your mechanic will guarantee to examine all your vehicle lights, including the headlights, taillights, brake lights, blinkers, and reverse lights.

If any of these lights fail to operate properly, it could lead to accidents and reduced visibility. In this case, a professional will ensure that these potential issues are solved.

In conclusion

Regular Vehicle Inspections Surrey is essential to guarantee that your vehicle is safeguarded to drive and is working ideally. During an inspection, a professional technician will identify and address potential issues before they become more serious.

James Johnson is the author of this article. For more details about Frequently Asked Questions please visit our website:

