Linemen Academy    

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Lineman Academy in Cincinnati, OH offers a pre-apprentice program. Their goal is to train you and give you the tools to get a lineman job. We are here to provide you with the next-generation transmission and distribution training for our nation’s power grid. This first-class education will set you on your way to a fulfilling and rewarding career. Linemen Academy has partnered with Meritize Financial to offer student loans that are customized for each student. Students are able to finance the full amount of attendance. This would include tuition, tools, room and board. When you start with our 7-week course, we train you on the skills and tasks needed for you to be successful in an exciting and well-paying industry. We can also help prepare you for the construction and skilled trade(CAST) examination. We know what it takes to successfully navigate any physical abilities testing and any interview process. In less than 3 months you will have the desired qualifications needed to begin a 80k starting salary career.

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