Some Essential Traits Which Distinguish You As A Foodie From The Rest

Liza Morgan
2 min readSep 1, 2021

We all think we are foodie, until we know we are not, because being a foodie is much more than just loving to eat or having a big appetite for food or eating every now and then. Being a foodie is like being an art lover- you have to know what you are looking for, what you are doing and what you want. That is, you have some discerning characteristic traits which can clearly distinguish you as a foodie from the rest who are just food lovers and claim to be a foodie. In this article we shall primarily focus on understanding the various facets of being a foodie. We shall see and understand how being a food is different from being just a lover of food. We shall see why it is important to clear these traits.

When you are a foodie, your approach to food is wholistic and not selective. This is perhaps the most essential trait which distinguishes a foodie from an average lover of food or eating. When you are a foodie, your approach to food is wholisitc and it is not subjected to bias. Usually, you will notice that most people who claim to be a foodie will have some form of bias to some cuisines and usually stick to their comfort zone and will show little to no enthusiasm to even try out a new type of cuisine or food item in the first place. This is the first sign of bias. A foodie is enthusiastic about food of all types and before coming down to draw any conclusion they will try the food and make analysis of taste, flavours and all other discernible components that went into making the dish.

You don’t need any reason, event, occasion to eat good. This is perhaps the second most discernible reason to call oneself a foodie. When you are a foodie, your love for food exceeds that of an average human being, so much so that you do not need a special occasion to eat the best and explore something new. The food itself fulfils the need and the occasion or event becomes secondary; in fact, in some cases the event may even become irrelevant for the food lover.

Non calorie conscious is another aspect of being a foodie. While the supposed fitness enthusiast counts every ounce of calorie intake, we- the foodie, do not care. Having said that, we do not want to propagate the idea of poor. Being a foodie also means that you maintain a good and healthy and active lifestyle while pursuing your passion in food.
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Liza Morgan

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